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Chimera feels like a severe difficulty spike. I die very quickly when the boss is nearly 2/3rds his health

better equipment needed

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Just watched your stream. This is looking very solid. 
Awesome stuff!

Thank you! ^^


I am from MFGG. The game is very enjoyable. I will finish this game and review a Turkish game site.

In addition, this game is an orthopedic disabled friendly.

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When I first booted up the game, there was an intro cutscene. Everything was normal, but when Flame was waking up game crashed with this error:

action number 1 
of  Step Event0 
for object obj_textbox_seq: 
illegal array use 
at gml_Object_obj_textbox_seq_Step_0 
gml_Object_obj_textbox_seq_Step_0 (line -1)

After that it was booting with title screen instead. Not sure if it was reported before. Edit: this happens with every cutscene


I'm so sorry! Nobody reported this to me until just now. The worst of it is this error message makes absolutely no sense (this is the first time i've seen an error message reference "line -1" in all my years of game dev).

I have rolled back the demo to version 1.3.3 instead of 1.4. Try downloading that instead. I'll fix this when I can


aamatniekss, shikaternia, vnitti


third party sources used?

  • MFGG (assets labelled as "original" on this site may be used in other projects with the authors' permission)
  • opengameart

the airship in the intro cutscene has supersledgebro's smb1 airship tileset converted to 8-bit

This is true; Since those graphics were categorized under "original", I figured they would be safe to use. I asked him if he was fine with me using them in this project and he said that it would be fine.

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I don't know if you already know about this but when ever I die on the chimera boss fight the camera when I respawn don't work any more

Here is a video for reference:

Just fixed it and uploaded a new version! Thanks ^^


the water looks suspiciously like mario graphics.

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They were made by someone else, but I do fully agree on the resemblance being very strong. I'm going to change them for the update I plan to give this demo within the next few days (or less, hopefully). I don't want trouble of course, haha

Edit: update's done; the other things I was planning to fix/change went smoother than expected.


The snake and vulture enemies' AI can be exploited for easy jump kills. The vultures can be jumped on and they can be jumped on over and over again as their attack is not effective when the player is above them.

awesome! I was waiting to see more from this game!